2001年7月-2002年7月兼任“国防先进材料重大专项” 专家组副组长;2004年6月-2005年12月,任“纳米材料与技术重大专项” 专家组专家;现为北京航空航天大学教授、博士生导师,兼任中国电池工业协会新材料分会理事长、中国可再生能源学会能源材料专业委员会(筹)主任、中国腐蚀防护学会能源工程专业委员会副主任和中国航空学会防锈材料研究会副理事长。另外,曾多次担任国家创新基金新能源领域评审专家组组长;多次主持重要学术会议,如担任“2004中国国际新能源材料技术与产业发展研讨会”主席、“2005中国储能与动力电源及其关键材料学术研讨会”主席和“2005青岛新能源材料与技术应用国际论坛”的学术委员会主席等。
1. ESR and vibrational spectroscopy study on poly (vinylidene fluoride) membranes with alkaline treatment, Journal of Power Source, 153 (2): 234-238 FEB 28 2006
2. Nanoparticled Li(Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3)O2 as cathode material for high-rate lithium-ion batteries, Journal of Power Source, 153 (2): 350-353 FEB 28 2006
3. Electrochemical Performance of Al2O3-Coated Li(Ni1/3Co1/3Mn1/3)O2 Cathode Materials for Li-ion Batteries, Key Engineering Materials, 1-1:459-462 2006
4. Nanocrystalline scandia-doped zirconia (ScSZ) powders prepared by a glycine-nitrate solution combustion route,Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 26 (4-5): 397-401 2006
5. Synthesis and electrochemical characterization of Co-Al layered double hydroxides, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 152 (11): A2130-A2137 2005
6. The synthesis and characterization of nanosized orthorhombic LiMnO2 by in situ oxidation-ion exchange, Solid State Ionics, 176 (7-8): 803-811 FEB 28 2005
7. Synthesis of hydrous ruthenium oxide supported platinum catalysts for direct methanol fuel cells,Electrochemistry Communications, 7 (6): 593-596 JUN 2005
8. High performance lithium cobalt oxides prepared in molten KCl for rechargeable lithium-ion batteries,Electrochemistry Communications, 6 (5): 505-509 MAY 2004
9. Study of lithiated Nafion ionomer for lithium batteries, Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, 34 (12): 1211-1214 DEC 2004
10. Electrochemical studies of ternary and quadruple lithium metal nitrides synthesized by ballmilling,Solid State Ionics, 160 (1-2): 69-73 MAY 2003
11. The microstructure and character of the PVDF–g -PSSA membrane prepared by solution grafting, Journal of the Electrochemical Society, 150 (7): A917-A921 JUL 2003
12. In situ IR, pulse reaction and TPD - ITD study of catalytic performance of room-temperature carbon monoxide oxidation on supported gold catalysts, J. of Environmental Science, 14 (4):489-494 OCT 2002